06 June 2019

Thursday morning Lesson with Matt

‘Sacrifice Bidding’
with Matt Mullamphy

These two lessons focus on when to deliberately outbid your opponent’s fully expecting to lose your contract. We look at the key areas of vulnerability, trump length and working out when to defend versus when to bid one more.

Thursdays June 13th & 20th, 10am to 12.15pm

Bookings essential 0451 100 457 or info@hvbc.com.au

06 June 2019

Thursday morning Lesson with Matt

‘Sacrifice Bidding’
with Matt Mullamphy

These two lessons focus on when to deliberately outbid your opponent’s fully expecting to lose your contract. We look at the key areas of vulnerability, trump length and working out when to defend versus when to bid one more.

Thursdays June 13th & 20th, 10am to 12.15pm

Bookings essential 0451 100 457 or info@hvbc.com.au

0451 100 457
Club Address
Cooper Park Community Centre
12 Cooper Park Rd
Bellevue Hill 2023
Mailing Address
PO BOX 7679
Bondi Beach 2026